Find Your Focus with a Word of the Month (PRD Activity #6)

In January many people choose a word to focus on throughout the year. This word serves as a guiding focus, a compass they return to as they filter through life’s decisions. I love this idea but in my experience, selecting a word for each month works better for me than a single word for an entire year. That’s because seasons come and go, and what you need in January may not serve you in the summertime.

How Do You Choose Your Word?

It’s so simple to find your word of the month! Ask yourself “What do I need most this month? Brainstorm ideas. Don’t edit the list. Just jot down whatever words come to mind. Then set the list aside for a couple of hours (or even a day or two) and come back to it. Do you see patterns? Words like “renew…simplify…balance” may indicate you are coming out of a busy season and need to slow down, where as words like “create…inspire…elevate” show up when you have lots of energy and want to pursue new ideas. Neither list is right or wrong, it’s just what’s bubbling up from your subconscious.

Now it’s time to condense your brainstorm list into one single word. If I leave my list alone for a while, usually one word jumps out at me when I come back to it. Or, the pattern I notice while brainstorming leads me to a completely new word that encapsulates the essence of my list. For example, my word for August is “ENJOY.” When I asked myself what I needed most in August, I had written on my list “enthusiasm”, “energy”, and “joy” amongst other words. I combined the “En” prefix with the “joy” and came up with “Enjoy!”

Making Your Word Work for You

The next step is to write your word where you’ll see it every day. I write my word on a giant chalkboard in our kitchen. Whenever I head to the pantry I see “ENJOY” in big letters and it reminds me to live out each day with energy, enthusiasm, and joy.

I encourage you to focus on your word each morning. Ask yourself, “How can I bring more _____ into my day?” If you’re a journaler like me, its’s enlightening to record the ways you notice your word showing up. You may see it in print or hear it on the radio (just like when you buy a new car, and you start seeing that car everywhere!). But the main purpose of focusing on your word is not to notice it externally, but to manifest it internally. When I focus on my word “enjoy,” I’m telling myself that I want to enjoy every activity I’m engaging in today. This practice enhances mindfulness.

Choosing your word is a perfect activity to do during your monthly Personal Retreat Day, especially if you schedule your PRD right before the turn of the calendar. And if you end up selecting a word that turns out to not really resonate, no worries – you can always choose a new word next month!

Activity Cheat Sheet:

  1. Ask yourself “What do I need most this month?”
  2. Write down anything that comes to mind
  3. Look for patterns and choose the one word that resonates the most
  4. Focus on your word every day

One more thing before you go : Share your word of the month with the PRD Community on my Facebook Page

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