July 2021 Newsletter

I hate breaking promises. When I started this newsletter I promised to send it monthly – no more, no less….yet I’ve allowed three months to slip right on by! However, I’ve decided to give myself grace for an unusually busy season of life and I hope you’ll forgive me as well.
My even deeper hope is that everyone reading this will glean some lessons from the following personal testimonial!

How the Last Two Months Vanished…

In April and May I worked as one of the location managers on a movie. This was my first BIG project (I normally work on commercials and other short-form films). I had heard that the locations department on movies was very different from commercials, but I had no idea how overwhelming my job would feel. I was in way over my head – if you’ve ever been in a similar situation, you know how stressful that is! I worked up to 18 hours a day. I wasn’t eating much, I couldn’t sleep despite extreme exhaustion. I was burning out fast and I knew it. I kept a countdown calendar on my chalkboard with two items: “days left” and “days without a meltdown!” (I think the record for days without a full-blown-crying-into-my-pillow meltdown was five.)
It shouldn’t surprise you to hear that I did not take a Personal Retreat Day while the movie was shooting. To say the least, failing to prioritize personal time had a negative impact on my outlook. Now that this project is over I can look back and see where I could have done some things differently – hindsight is always 20/20, right? But at the time, my job was all-consuming – my to-do list grew longer and longer every day. I felt like I was constantly digging a hole as others were standing on the edge kicking dirt right back into it.
We all have seasons that are busier than others. Thankfully, I was able to take some time off after the filming wrapped. It took about a week or so to recover physically, and then I was able to start mentally processing what had transpired. I’ll be writing a blog post about “burnout” and lessons I learned from the experience – keep checking my blog regularly here.
In the meantime enjoy an excerpt from a fun post I did earlier this week. Read on…

Latest from the Blog

Do you create “to-do” lists? And if so, have you ever added something to the list that you’ve already done just so you can check it off? I sheepishly admit I have done this! I love lists, and if you do too then this activity is one you can really get behind.

Lists are a fantastic and easy way to record memories from the past month. They can be used to track progress towards a goal, or simply help you check in with your inner self. 

Here are just a few “list” ideas to take with you on your next Personal Retreat Day. (Yes – I’m making a list of lists. Of course I am!)

  1. A “What I’m Into Now” List  This is a fun list of things you enjoyed the previous month: movies you watched, TV shows you’re bingeing, books you’re reading, new recipes you tried and enjoyed. Maybe you discovered a hidden hiking trail or checked out a new restaurant in town. Quickly jot down those fun things. This gets your brain warmed up and helps you appreciate life’s enjoyable moments.

Ready for #2? Keep reading online HERE.

If you’re new here, WELCOME! Be sure to check out my posts on “Getting Started.”

Want even more tips and ideas about putting Personal Retreat Days into practice? Head over to the “PRD Activities” blog category. 

What I’m Reading: *

I’ve been devouring books this summer. Here’s what I’m enjoying now:

If you follow me regularly you know I’m a huge fan of Greg McKeown. HIs second book, Effortless, is a natural progression of the Essentialism philosophy, answering the question, once youv’e identified what’s truly essential, how do you make those things easier and more enjoyable? I just wish I’d read this before my busy season! 

I found The Sun Does Shine from a blog listing someone’s all-time favorite Oprah’s Book Club books. This inspirational true story of a black man’s 30 years on death row for a crime he didn’t commit opened my eyes to the horrible injustices within our legal system while at the same time illuminating the power of love, forgiveness, humor and hope. 

I like to take my time with fiction reading, often making a novel last for several months. This summer I chose Olive Kitteridge and I couldn’t put it down! This unique novel consists of short vignettes coalescing around a cantankerous old woman in Maine. Although I read it quickly, I savored every poignant tale of the bittersweet journey of aging.

I’m just a few chapters into Just Mercy, written by the attorney who represented Anthony Ray Hinton (the death row inmate in The Sun Does Shine). All I can say is, Bryan Stevenson is my new hero.

* You can click on the links above to order these books from Amazon
(in all transparency I do receive a teensy portion of each order) 

Final Thoughts

When is your next PRD? I had to reschedule mine this month because of some unexpected house repairs that needed my attention. Life happens – when it does, don’t cancel your PRD, just postpone it! My new date is July 14.

I’d love to hear about your Personal Retreat Day experience! Email me at wende@personalretreatday.com to share your story or ask a question about PRDs. 

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