Mental Time Travel for Reflection and Reorientation

As humans, we have this amazing ability to time travel in our minds. With our memories we can travel back in time to the past, and with our imaginations we can jump to the future. We actually spend a lot of mental time either in the past or the future, don’t we? But it’s not always positive. A quote attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu equates depression with living in the past and anxiety with dwelling on the future. However, I encourage you to take advantage of mental time travel with positive intentions on your Personal Retreat Day

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

– Lao Tzu

Reflect on the Past

A portion of every PRD should be spent on reflection. When we reflect on the past, we want to learn from it, we want to celebrate wins, and we want to relive happy memories. What we don’t want to do is dwell obsessively on mistakes/regrets/wounds/traumas. Do take time to process them, perhaps capturing a nugget of wisdom that can help you in the future, but then let that s*** go! Don’t let old wounds fester. 
In a PRD I like to reflect by asking myself questions about the previous month and journaling the answers. Questions like, “What am I grateful for?” “What’s something I learned about myself?” or “Looking back on this mistake I made…what can I learn from it so I won’t make that mistake next time?” Questions are powerful reflection tools. Find a quiet space away from people, distractions, and hustle & bustle. This can be a spare room in your house (or even a bedroom closet), a park, or a library. Being alone in a quiet environment helps you listen to your own thoughts without distraction.

Reorient Towards the Future

The other direction we can time travel is forward. In a PRD we want to reorient towards a purposeful future. Look to the month ahead, not with anxiety, but with optimism. You can design a future of your choosing in your mind. Naturally, you have little to no control over future events, but you can be purposeful in telling yourself what direction you want to head. 

In a PRD I like to reorient by creating a vision for my ideal month and putting together a plan to make it a reality. There are lots of ways to do this. Try writing down your goals for the month and a few baby steps towards them. One person in the PRD community, Christina, likes to create a beautiful “vision collage” with words and pictures that serve as her compass for the month ahead. 

Rest in the Present

Most importantly, don’t forget to rest during your PRD. Eventually you’ll need to head back home from your mental journey and rest in the present — it’s the only time you can!

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