Treat Yo’ Self! Rewards Cement our Habits

We’re about midway through the year. Time for a quiz: how are your New Year’s Resolutions going? 

  • A) Fantastic! I’m perfectly on my way to achieving ALL my goals!
  • B) Not bad. I’ve slipped up on a few, but I’m back on track
  • C) Ummm….I can’t remember any of them.
  • D) I hate New Year’s Resolutions 

No matter what your answer was, it’s never too late to set a new goal or get back on track. (And by the way, those of you who answered A, your’e aware that the rest of us hate you, right?)

I’ve been reading a lot about what makes our goals stick around long enough to become habits. One tip is to write your goals down (on paper is better than electronically) and read them every day. Another ingredient for success is to celebrate small wins regularly and reward your efforts with some kind of treat.  

Let’s say you want to make Personal Retreat Days a habit, something you practice every month and not just when the stars align. My first suggestion would be to schedule one day each month on your calendar. In other words, don’t just schedule your July PRD but go ahead and block off one day (or half-day) EACH month in 2023. 

Step 2 is to REWARD yourself at the end of each PRD. Yes, a Personal Retreat Day can feel like it’s own reward, but if you are following the method that I teach, you also expend lot of mental and emotional energy during your PRD. All that reflecting and planning can leave you feeling depleted and exhausted if you don’t balance out your day with the “retreat” part of the equation. I like to end each of my PRDs with something fun or relaxing. Memories of that reward cement the habit and make me want to do it again!

Here are some “rewarding” ideas from my followers:

  • a massage or pedicure
  • watching a good TV show 
  • bubble bath with a glass of wine
  • calling a friend
  • pizza & movie night with the family
  • taking the dog for a walk in the park
  • enjoying a margarita on the back deck
  • playing a video game
  • going shopping

As you can see, your reward doesn’t need to cost any money. It should simply be something that brings you joy. (Just so you know, shopping would be a punishment for me, not a reward! But pour me that margarita any day!)

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