January 2022 Newsletter
Happy New Year! Let’s make 2022 our best year ever. Here are three EASY and FUN activities that you can do in less than five minutes to set you up for success. Grab your journal and let’s get started!
Make a Promise, not a Resolution
I don’t know about you, but the word “resolution” as in New Year’s resolutions makes me shudder. Instead of using an outdated word that no longer holds significance, change it to the stronger and more actionable word “promise.” We normally follow through on promises to others, why not to ourselves? Here’s your first quick and easy New Year’s Day activity.
Activity #1 – Complete this sentence: “I promise to be kinder to myself in 2022 by….”
Don’t overthink your answer, but do write something down that brings you feelings of joy and self-love. What does being kind to yourself look like? Maybe it’s forgiving yourself when you screw up, or taking care of your body by feeding it healthy foods that taste delicious, or starting a meditation practice to help you handle stress. (Mine is taking a nap after lunch on days when I’m home!)
Choose a Word for 2022
Every month, I choose a word to focus on that inspires me or causes me to reflect on an important value. Many people do this annually in order to set an intention for their year. If you’ve never tried it, now is your chance! You’ll be amazed to see how the word keeps showing up.
Activity #2 – Brainstorm 5-10 possible words to use as a theme for 2022 and pick your favorite.
Any word will do, but the best words are those that describe a character quality, value, or inspiration. My word for 2022 is “Curiosity.” That word has come up several times lately in books I’ve read and podcasts I’ve listened to. I want to explore what it means to bring a curious, playful, non-judgmental spirit into the new year.
Schedule your next Personal Retreat Day
January is the PERFECT time to take a Personal Retreat Day! It’s a great opportunity to reflect on the year that’s just come to a close and make promises (not resolutions!) for the months ahead. But if it’s not on your calendar, you’re likely to let it slide.
Activity #3 – Find a blank day on your January calendar and “save the date” for a PRD!
Make every effort to keep this date with yourself. If something truly urgent arises, you can always reschedule (but don’t cancel!) Now that you’ve put your PRD on the calendar, read my step-by-step guide on how to do one HERE
Share your Stuff!
How did this go for you? It only took 5 minutes, right? I’ll help you stay accountable: Drop me a line and let me know your Promise, Word, and PRD Date at wende@personalretreatday.com